The unfold4D3d website explores in a way easy to understand the 3 and 4 Dimension Spaces and how they relate to 3d-Puzzles and their derived products.
The letter O in the unfold4D3d logotype represents
the stereoscopic 3D projection of a 4-dimension Hyper-Cube or Tesseract
To be the best in design, development and production of 3d-Puzzles, Game Apps, tesserART, Digital Books, and other Products & Services of the unfold4D3d EcoSystem.
To deliver our Products and Services with excellence, with accountability for our fiscal and ethical performance, and with responsibility to the people and organizations we serve.
To allow our Customers, Collaborators, Affiliates and Sub-contractors to feel a part of our Vision & Mission and of the unfold4D3d Brand.
To donate a portion of the after-tax profits to provide financial resources to qualified Start-ups and qualified not-for-profit organizations.